Pakistan's population explosion

Pakistan's population is growing at an alarming rate. As it's population was 33 million in 1951  and jumped to nearly 200 million now .Pakistan is one of the country having highest birth rate in the world. According to National Institute of Population Studies ( NIPS) , country's population was 133.3 million in 1998 and the insertion of 34 percent recorded in 2017 census.

 If we ask from the people around us they will not consider growing poulation as among top ten threats facing by country. Undoubdtly , its a major problem that isn't been realized yet. Politicians are not giving any attention to to this problem as it is a taboo to talk family planing in our socity. Due to the racist beliefs of our socity it is considered that men have more authority over women. Wife has to obey husband's desicion and a woman is considered as baby-making machine. The poor response of government toward growing poulation is major reason as well. Illitracy , imbalance between birth and death rate , strong religious beliefs on expanding the family are greatest reasons behind over population in Pakistan.
There is a dire need to renew family planing  scheme. Religious point of view about expanding population should be strictly resisted by government. Media is to be used for spreading awareness among the people about birth control. Number of people don't matter as the skills and education of public matter in modern states. Once the explosion of population is controllled , it will bring social welfare and economic prosperity among the people.
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October 17, 2018 at 12:08 AM ×

Family planning is very important

Hadi Khan
October 17, 2018 at 6:09 AM ×

Undoubtedly, dire need of modern states.


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